Report: Serbia will refuse an agreement with EU and US over Kosovo resolution

The government of Serbia will refuse an agreement with the EU and the US in relations to a UN General Assembly resolution draft, according to Belgrade media reports on Thursday.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Thursday, August 12, 2010

According to a government source, there are three possible outcomes for Serbia's resolution draft.

The first one is the adoption of Serbia's draft, which Serbia's Foreign Affairs Minister Vuk Jeremic named "mission impossible".

The second would be non-adoption of the draft and the third would be a new resolution draft, crafted with the EU and the US.

Such a new version would take out any reference to possible status talks, which is the original demand of Belgrade.

The government source told the daily Press that huge pressures are expected on Belgrade to drop the resolution or seek agreement, but that it counts on the firm support of Russia, China, India, Brazil and other countries to support its position.