EULEX: There can be only one judicial system in Kosovo

EULEX head Yves de Kermabon said yesterday that an "immediate reply" was needed in response to Belgrade's decision to appoint Serbian judges in Kosovo and that there could only be one judicial system in Kosovo, prompting concern from Serbia's Kosovo minister Goran Bogdanovic.

(KosovoCompromise Staff) Friday, January 15, 2010

"EULEX is working on re-introducing a functional judiciary in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, it has opened a court and has held five trials in it. Our highest priority is to return judges and prosecutors from the Serbian and Albanian communities to the District Court in Mitrovica in order to allow a local, multi-ethnic and unique judiciary to dispense justice," said Kermabon during a visit to Ranilug.

As reported by EULEX, he added there was not a single place in Europe in which there were two judicial systems working at the same time and covering the same area.

"Two judicial systems would mean no justice. It would cause the making of dubious decisions, which would not benefit the rights of citizens," said Kermabon.

Currently only international prosecutors and judges are working in the District Court in northern Kosovska Mitrovica. Albanian judges are in the southern part of the city and Serbian judges, who are part of Serbia's judicial system, work in a rented building in northern Kosovska Mitrovica.

Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović says he will send a letter to EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon "concerning the necessity to hold a meeting".

The minister believes they should discuss the issue of establishing of legal institutions in the north of Kosovo.

"The legal vacuum which exists in the north of Kosovo-Metohija is first of all unacceptable for the Serbian community and we are ready to solve such issues," Bogdanović said. 

He pointed out that the international community is already familiar with Belgrade's position on the matter, and added that since April the ministry "has not had any meetings with EULEX in order to resolve the situation."

"We want that people are protected and that criminals are prosecuted," the minister stressed.

Bogdanović evaluated that the meeting has to be held so that the dialogue on problems in Kosovo would finally begin.

"EULEX neither recognizes nor supports the so-called parallel structures in Kosovo. Our mandate is very clear in regard to that question. It is founded on the basis of the Joint Actions, adopted by all 27 European Union member countries. It states that we are here to offer aid and support to Kosovo's institutions, judicial authorities and agencies which implement peace and order," said Kermabon.